After long weeks of people not turning up, disconnects, wipes, failures, scrubs, people not turning up, disconnects..
(sorry for the ugly kill shot, ppl refused to stand still so i just snapped it quick)
The names are blurry so i'll list them out:
Willowallo - Protection Warrior
Valkyrie - Protection Paladin
Honeymunchz - Retribution Paladin
Ashfall - Unholy DeathKnight
Puffynewt - Marksmanship Hunter
Deathpain - Demonology Warlock
Bdubqt - Shadow Priest
Silentbull - Restoration Druid
Trialz - Restoration Shaman
and of course, the leet:
Crazerk - Holy Paladin (me :P )
My pretty Blood Elf Paladin with my new title. And new weapon (the mace from LK)
And if anyone is actually interested, the meters for our kill attempt:
Was a pretty rocky few weeks, The attempts started of in my ex guild Newbee with the group i formed, but due to sickness / DCs we never got any solid attempts on it.
Then i left them to join Noctis Erus, due to my new job which had stuffs on at night. I obviously tried to find a guild group but couldn't, so i put together a PuG to do it.
First week, did 10 bosses then people had to leave. So we agreed to return 2 days later to do it.. but 2 days later, several people didn't turn up, so it couldn't happen.
Extended lock to this week, started attempts on Wednesday. Don't think we came close.. think ppl didn't turn up or something. On Thursday, we hit 11% and wiped -_- (that's 1% btw, since it's a free kill once you hit 10% ) That was with 5 people left in phase 3 as well, for a good 10% of HP of the boss. We lasted really long, if we had got that kill, it would have been epic.
The rest of the night were just attempts that easily went to P3 but we kept wiping to spirit explosions killing people.
Friday, tried to get a group going, but once again people didn't show up. So couldn't do it. So we pushed it to today, Sunday.
Things started out rocky, with wipes on P2 due to Defile.. spread to the whole platform, etc, We never even hit the 2nd transition phase, there was one where valkyr spawn coincided with phase transition and we didn't stop dps, so people were split up and the valkyr got slowed, resulting in me (caught by it) dying to Remorseless Winter.
But on our kill attempt, everything went smoothly. No deaths , no ankhs/b-rez required. We hit p3 and unlike Thursday, P3 was a breeze. I don't know whether it was because i highlighted 2 main improvements to make
- I assigned specific positions for all 5 dps to be when vile spirits spawn, so people are spread out
- I reminded the RDPS on the need to kill spirits instead of running to spread out too early
that made it easy.. but virtually NOONE got hit by consecutive spirits, i was quite surprised.
Thursday it was like boom boom boom die .
So we got till about 11% then dunno how 2 ppl died , probably too kancheong and kena bomb by spirit. But it was a kill already.. just pushed the last 1% :D WIN.
Would love to do hardmodes with this group next week, but i'm called to join my guild's 10man. So i'll probably use my mage to do with this group, and have to kick out the lock :S
Kudos to Deathpain though, it was his first time on LK when he joined us on Thursday and he did really well. You check his achievs, he hasn't even killed sindra yet! haha. but he's a Kingslayer now.
Very good player, fast learner and good raid awareness. And well, good DPS too, but it's because he has that sick trinket (Dislodged Foreign Object). You give me that i'll pop sick DPS too.
Ok, i'm a very happy person now, maybe you ask me for favours now i'll do. haha.